Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Basic Rules of Enjoyment

Rules, helpers, tips, whatever you need or want to call it:

Find The Kid Stuff in the rock songs. One of the main rules of being a rock star is that you are allowed to be ridiculous. In fact, it is basically expected of you.

Those of us who have kids or are currently spending a lot of time with kids have realized, despite our best instincts that successful play with the youngest bunch requires that we get in touch with our silliest and most ridiculous self as soon as possible. For the purposes of this blog let's just call this our "singing in the car self". Not just the sing along with your friend next to you at a low volume with occasional punctuated harmonies (they can hear you by the way) but the all out, long desert road trip with no one in the car for the past six hours or the following seven. The crazy, wooooo-ah kind of car singing. You know what I mean. So, get there. Sing along with the La La's on The Man in Me

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